quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2007

Unoffical gpSP Kai dev update: Multiplayer plans

Unofficial gpSP Kai adhoc screenshots - Image 1 Unofficial gpSP Kai adhoc screenshots - Image 2

It appears that developer Takka has something big in store for the Unofficial gpSP Kai Gameboy Advance Emulator for the Sony PSP. The coder updated his dev site with some of his upcoming plans for gpSP Kai, including the implementation of a multiplayer function. Here are the author's notes (Via Google translate):

Communication functions implemented on the situation, because there was a comment a few points of the report and the current situation.


  • Other menu from the search connection PSP (two.)
  • WLAN, send and receive data
So far end, and now
  • GBA cable for multi-mode communications using the two communications functions
To implement.

The turn of the year, some of the games in two of communications capabilities to be able to use it to the public as possible.

From what we gather from these translations, Takka appears to be planning to implement the function into two GBA games by next year. Do keep in mind that this appears to be an initial announcement - we'll let you know if the developer follows through with these plan in the form of a new Unofficial gpSP Kai release.

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