quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2007

LocoRoco Motion Plugin v0.99 now out, with Jump function

LocoRoco by Sony Computer Entertainment - Image 1Those who played the last iteration of the impressive LocoRoco Motion Plug-in would be delighted to find out that homebrew developer Mr305 has released an update that fixed a handful of bugs that impeded the Neo Motion kit-enhanced LocoRoco experience. In this version. Mr305 finally added a Jump function, letting gamers attain the full range of motion in the game.

As always, PSP gamers need to have the NeoFlash Motion Sensing Kit, as well as custom firmware - at least version 3.71 - for the plug-in to work. Without further ado, here's the changelog for the latest version of LocoRoco Motion Plug-in for your perusal:
  • Added audio Fix; Audio works perfectly along with motion for perfect LocoRoco game experience. Thanks to ps2dev members.
  • Added a check, wherein the plugin self-terminates with a message, if Motion Kit is unplugged or not plugged in before the game begins or due to failure in initialization; hence if anything fails, you can still play the game unlike previous version which caused "unusably sluggish behaviour".
  • Added a Jump function but something isn't right. Tilt forward and then backward. [This will most probably be removed in next version if I can't figure out the problem]
  • Substantially improved chances of successful initialization. Failure rate - 1 in 10 times.
  • Reduced CPU usage - removed unused stuff / Z axis reading / other calculations
Mr305 also wants to add some things about the volume. First of all, if volume does not respond after muting and un-muting, just try pressing volume up or down. Also, delay of response during volume adjustment is also normal.

As always, just get the plug-in from the download link below. Further instructions and notes are included in the Readme link. Enjoy!

Download: LocoRoco Motion Plug-in v0.99
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forums

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